Thursday, July 14, 2011

No Spinning!

This past weekend was one of the most relaxing experiences in my life. Jessica and I went to a Dutch Over Dinner at a friend's house and had a blast. Made new friends, laughed with old friends and just...expressed ourselves. I opened up about a few things that had been on my mind for some months and doing so felt great. Maybe I'll talk about it in a later post.

Why was the weekend relaxing? What did we have to relax from? Jessica went to the hospital again. Another four day/three night adventure. My baby told those doctors what's up and refused treatment she didn't want. I'm so proud of her! A big change from the woman I knew when we were still newlyweds. Turns out she had gastritis. I saw the pictures of her stomach and it wasn't very pretty.

The experience was quite stressful on both of us. Once again I will let my lovely wife do all the talking about her hospital visit.

This is going to be a short one. I have to go to work soon and later at 2:45 tonight....HARRY POTTER!

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